24 set. Otorgats els premis Dance Magazine Awards 2020
La prestigiosa revista nord americana Dance Magazine ha organitzat un any més els seus premis Dance Magazine Awards.
En aquesta ocasió, els premis s’han vist molt infuenciats pel moviment Black Lives Matter.
En paraules de la organització:
The selection committee decided to take a close look at exactly who the magazine has honored over the past seven decades. Unsurprisingly, the list is overwhelmingly white. Although it’s grown more diverse in recent years, many brilliant artists of color have been left out for far too long.
So for 2020, in order to reckon with and take a step toward repairing that history, the committee chose an outstanding group of all-Black artists.
Així doncs, els premiats han sigut:
Debbie Allen
Camille A. Brown
Laurieann Gibson
Alonzo King
Benvolguts ballarins i ballarines,
Us animem a donar un cop d’ull al web de Dance Magazine.
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